
1824 Alamo Nylon Flag


1824 Alamo Nylon Flag – The so-called “Alamo Flag” or “1824 flag” was created by replacing the Eagle in the center of the Mexican tricolor with the year “1824”, referencing the 1824 Constitution of Mexico, in support of which Texas was fighting. This was the first flag approved for use by rebel forces by a Texan legislative body.

About Our 1824 Alamo Nylon Flag

For well over 150 years, popular culture has placed the 1824 Flag flying from the walls of the Alamo during those fateful thirteen days when a handful of determined men stood before the might of the Mexican army and shouted "Liberty or Death." The idea that the defenders of the Alamo flew the 1824 Flag is rooted solely in the belief that the defenders were fighting for the restoration of the Mexican Constitution of 1824. That belief and all conjecture that flows from it, are unfounded. Indeed, the idea that the defenders would have considered flying the 1824 Flag from the walls of their fortress is, at the very least, farfetched and, at the most, demeaning to their cause and their memory. There is no empirical evidence to prove that the green, white and red tricolor with the black numerals 1824 supplanting the central Mexican eagle was ever used at the Alamo. The flag was not captured and preserved by the victors nor recorded in the military accounts of the day. The few people who survived the battle were never asked about the flags the Texians flew. Those citizens of Béxar who were asked about the subject were questioned some seventy years after the fact and gave answers that are open to very broad interpretations. That leaves only the desire to restore the Mexican Constitution of 1824 to bear the full weight of evidence for the idea that the Alamo defenders would fly the 1824 Flag. While there were many colonists who, at the outset of hostilities in 1835, were fighting for restoration, the number of these colonists soon began to decline. The polarization of the Texian fighters into two distinct parties, those for constitutional restoration and those for independence, reached its peak in December, 1835. Two leaders of the constitutional restoration faction, F.W. Johnson and Dr. James Grant, left the Alamo in early January of 1836, in an abortive attempt to conquer Matamoros and link up with other Mexican Federalist supporters of the Constitution of 1824. When Johnson and Grant left the Alamo they took with them over 200 men and almost all of the Alamo supplies. It is reasonable to assume that the volunteers favoring restoration of the constitution went with them. In all the letters, reports, and notes which were written by the men who gave their lives at the Alamo, I have not found a single instance of support for or interest in restoring the Mexican Constitution of 1824. It is reasonable to deduce that any of the men who might have written such sentiments were on their way to Matamoros with Grant and Johnson. It is clear by their writings that the men who stayed in Béxar to defend the Alamo wanted no part in restoring the Mexican Constitution. From the very start, they had joined the volunteer army to fight for Texas Independence and they were frustrated with the provisional government of Texas for its temerity in declaring it. I think it best to let the men who died defending the Alamo express their own sentiments. The following are excerpts from their letters: