
Commodore Perry Nylon Flag


Commodore Perry Nylon Flag ” Dont Give Up The Ship” – Commodore Perry was not only brilliant in his command, but he was also tenacious. The British fully expected Commodore Perry to surrender his flagship, the USS Lawrence, during the Battle of Lake Erie. So confident were they, that they sent small American vessel to accept his surrender. However, Commodore Perry lived by the (possibly apocryphal) dying words and rallying cry of Captain James Lawrence, his friend and the man after whom the ship was named – “DON’T GIVE UP THE SHIP.”

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About Our Commodore Perry Nylon Flag

Don’t give up the ship is an exhortation to keep going, to not quit, to never surrender, to keep trying, to keep working. The exclamation don’t give up the ship was uttered by Commander James Lawrence of the U.S.S. Chesapeake during the War of 1812. Lawrence was told to avoid engaging the enemy, but he disobeyed those orders and engaged the British frigate, the Shannon. Lawrence was mortally wounded, yet exhorted his crew: “Tell them to fire faster; don’t give up the ship.” However, the crew did surrender as they were boarded. Commodore Perry had the phrase “Don’t give up the ship!” embroidered on his ship’s flag and was often credited with inventing the phrase. Today, the phrase is a motto of the U.S. Navy and the idiom don’t give up the ship is used is situations other than naval ones.